Sunday, September 22, 2013

Whats up on your mind??

Hi pplz!!! I am back with a new thought...

Just ever thought how people immediately make fun of you..the reason for the same is sometimes we actually open our mind to not so close people they know the inclinations of your thoughts,.

The moment they get the chance to crack joke on you or on your aspirations, thinking inclinations, they grab the general advice keep your mind open but thoughts closed and open up your heart to only your near and dear ones :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Confessions of a IT girl

Working in IT field for the last 3.5 years simply raises one single question in my I doing the thing which I actually want to do?

Answers can be equally confusing :P

why am I doing this..does it go with my degree..NOOO
do I like this work..a big NO
money..its not that much..its a myth that IT pays you a lot...may be saving money so that I can be a writer some day..

I am always short of creative ideas as what will mold the wonder story of mine from an IT girl to the "writer"(if that day will see its sunshine!! someday sigh!!!)

We will try to find answers of these question in coming days... stay tuned :)